19 กรกฎาคม 2559
ผู้ชม 1835 ผู้ชม
As the leading specialists in Japan, we continuously concentrated our effort in developing the ideal cable and its accessories since 25 years ago. Today, we all naturally recognize and appreciate the quality between various cable configurations and we also have vast selection of plugs and sockets to choose from. But for the true quality of sound, it is still questionable
We needed to go further to develop the new connectors of genuine ‘State of the Art’ grade, because we knew cables and connectors need to break through to the new level to satisfy and enhance fast-developing technological advancement elsewhere. We realized it requires different level of quality control as well as attention to detail in design equal or even more advanced to other electronic equipments. Our products are completely ‘Made in Japan’ in true sense, because we produce entirely even down to minute component and quality is a vital factor due to our minimalist policy, therefore even raw materials need to be strictly controlled
This is our top of the range Power Cable. It delivers traditional reliability and quality together with high speed response, greater resolution with extensive sound stage to the Audiophile
Conductor - High purity oxygen-free-copper
Cable Structure - Star-quad
AWG(stranding) - AWG11 4Sq(400/0.12×2)
cable O.D - 10.6mm
Power plug & connector - P-037,C-037
Cable Length - 1.8m
Applying - E.M.I. absorbing TAPE