09 ตุลาคม 2560
ผู้ชม 1276 ผู้ชม
Time passes and high-end loudspeakers and electronics evolve with increased resolution and a more 'even' sound. The availability of cables with improved resolution allowed others to better tune by listening, even a glimpse of what it could sound like is enough to progress well beyond the present, and so it goes around.
The Superconductor 3 speaker cables were designed from the inside out to show the best attributes of any good loudspeakers. From your first listen you'll hear vocals in a most natural presentation; they are in the room with you.
What first strikes any listener is the cables ability to allow for dynamic and detailed reproduction of bass, with speed and depth far beyond the expectations of the speaker. With midrange and highs, rather than forcing instruments forward and in your face, Superconductor 3 will increase space toward the back of the soundstage (depth) while placing each player in their proper perspective. Space between and around each is evident, such that each player is allowed to expand and decay in time and space. Any complex recorded music can be easily disseminated or enjoyed as a whole, while the most basic are just downright fun to have as welcomed guests.
These are seriously good speaker cables providing any loudspeakers with instantaneous power from any sized amplifier. Their huge 5 AWG/16.8 mm2 conductors means no limitations with demanding speakers or longer lengths, while our Alumiloy wire allows for maximum subtle nuance with low power tube gear, high sensitivity loudspeakers, or low volume listening. Tube or solid state amps equally enjoy these non-reactive nature of these high performance cables.
The Superconductor 3 series allows any good system to convey the full natural emotion of the artists, bringing you that much closer to the original performance. You want live vocals, you want to hear the kind of bass drum being played, the skin material, the hardware, or pick out the brand of cymbals, it’s all in the recording. In fact it’s quite amazing what that we can extract, presented in a most natural, human way.
The Superconductor 3 will take you well beyond where you thought you could go and create an inspirational desire to take it to a higher level, a good addiction for sure. Exercise your imagination, and Listen, Clearly, Always...